
What Do The Different Colours Mean?

The colour of the OURCs status flags represents restrictions on the number and minimum level of experience of crews permitted to embark, taking into account the stream conditions as defined under OURCs rules. The flag status does not imply that it is necessarily safe for a given crew to embark, so every crew should undertake their own risk assessment before embarking.

For an explanation of the flags at Godstow and on the Isis, please see More Info.


Grey flag status means that the stream conditions are not being monitored by OURCs. Normally the flag will be set to Grey outside of Full Term +/- 1 week. Clubs should conduct their own assessment before embarking.

A guide to reading the number of bucks open at Iffley Weir, at the bottom of the Isis stretch, is available here.

River Status Notices Last Updated Authorised By
Isis Red
  • No crews are allowed out.
06/10/24 09:50 Sophia Ungermann More Info
Godstow Red
  • No crews are allowed out.
06/10/24 11:46 Sophia Ungermann More Info

Flag Status:


More details


Sunrise: API Failed
Sunset: API Failed
Times given for Boathouse Island.
More times at suntimes.
