Mailing Lists

OURCs runs four different mailing lists:


General OURCs Mailing List (

This mailing list is the general OURCs mailing list to which anyone is welcome to subscribe. It is used to distribute information relevant to anyone involved in Oxford University rowing including event information. Message subjects are prefixed with [OURCs].

The mailing list is archived here.

Subscribing: To subscribe send a blank email to; you will then receive an email providing you with instructions on how to confirm you wish to join the mailing list.

Unsubscribing: To unsubscribe send a blank email to; you will then receive an email providing you with instructions on how to confirm you wish to leave the mailing list.


Coxes' Mailing List (

You need to subscribe to this list if you are a coxswain. It is used to distribute information such as the location of coxing briefings, pre-regatta coxing talks, and anything else that may be of interest. Message subjects are prefixed with [OURCs Coxing].

The mailing list is archived here.

Subscribing: To subscribe send a blank email to; you will then receive an email providing you with instructions on how to confirm you wish to join the mailing list.

Unsubscribing: To unsubscribe send a blank email to; you will then receive an email providing you with instructions on how to confirm you wish to leave the mailing list.


OURCs Flag Mailing List (

This mailing list is used to send notifications of any changes to the flag status. Anyone is welcome to sign up to this mailing list. Message subjects are prefixed with [OURCs Flag].

Subscribing: To subscribe send a blank email to; you will then receive an email providing you with instructions on how to confirm you wish to join the mailing list.

Unsubscribing: To unsubscribe send a blank email to; you will then receive an email providing you with instructions on how to confirm you wish to leave the mailing list.


Rowing Captains Mailing List (

This mailing list is restricted to boat club captains and presidents only. Message subjects are prefixed with [RCML].

The mailing list is archived here.

Subscribing: Please first email the and follow the instructions. Then please get one of your captains as listed on the club's committee page on the Entry System to contact, copying you in. The webmaster cannot add you unless you have the permission of an existing captain.

Unsubscribing: Please email, the webmaster will the grant your unsubscription.

Flag Status:


More details


Sunrise: API Failed
Sunset: API Failed
Times given for Boathouse Island.
More times at suntimes.
