What Do The Different Colours Mean?

The colour of the OURCs status flags represents restrictions on the number and minimum level of experience of crews permitted to embark, taking into account the stream conditions as defined under OURCs rules. The flag status does not imply that it is necessarily safe for a given crew to embark, so every crew should undertake their own risk assessment before embarking.

For an explanation of the ranges of the flags at Godstow and on the Isis, please see here. For a full list of restrictions and the history of each  flag, please click More Info below.


Grey flag status means that the stream conditions are not being monitored by OURCs. Normally the flag will be set to Grey outside of Full Term +/- 1 week. Clubs must conduct their own assessment before embarking.

A guide to reading the number of bucks open at Iffley Weir, at the bottom of the Isis stretch, is available here.

Isis Flag Page

River Isis
Active Status Grey
Active Notices
  • Flag not currently being maintained.
Last Updated 23/03/25 10:39
Authorised By Oscar Hayden
Status API Link


Status Notices
  • No restrictions on coxing status.
  • Novices coxes must be accompanied by a bankrider.
Light Blue
  • No unregistered coxes.
  • No novice coxes except as specified in the Code of Conduct section 2.8.g.iv.1 (see below).
  • No spinning at Longbridges, except to immediately land.
  • At Haystacks, spin upstream of the red-and-white post and downstream of the early turning post near Donnington Bridge.
  • Crews may not go above Folly Bridge or through Iffley Lock.
  • **Rules for novice status coxes on Light Blue Flag:
  • **Novice status coxes with at least one full term of coxing experience may train under the following four conditions:
  • **1. The outing must occur between Sunrise and Sunset (2.1.a);
  • **2. Other than cox, the crew must be senior - at least 4 rowers with three full terms' water rowing experience, no rowers with less than one term;
  • **3. The crew must have a bankrider equipped with a throw-line and a mobile phone pre-programmed with the number of the Iffley Lock-keeper (01865 777 277); and
  • **4. The names of the crew and bankrider must be registered at least 2 hours in advance at the following URL: https://forms.gle/4XxUp1GrdtZZhPMi8.
Dark Blue
  • No novice or unregistered coxes.
  • No spinning at Longbridges, except to immediately land.
  • At Haystacks, spin upstream of the red-and-white post and downstream of the early turning post near Donnington Bridge.
  • Crews may not go above Folly Bridge or through Iffley Lock.
  • Only senior coxes with senior crews - at least 4 rowers with three full terms' water rowing experience, no rowers with less than one term.
  • All crews must have a bankrider equipped with a throw-line and a mobile phone pre-programmed with the number of the Iffley Lock-keeper (01865 777 277)
  • No spinning at Longbridges, except to immediately land.
  • At Haystacks, spin upstream of the red-and-white post and downstream of the early turning post near Donnington Bridge.
  • Crews may not go above Folly Bridge or through Iffley Lock.
  • No crews are allowed out.
  • No crews are allowed out.
  • Bank may be flooded in places - Exercise caution on foot or bike and avoid unnecessary trips to the river.
  • Boathouses may be inaccessible - Contact your boatman if concerned about equipment.
  • Do not expect to be rowing any time soon.
  • Flag not currently being maintained.


Status Start Date End Date
Grey 23/03/25 10:39
Green 07/03/25 13:21 23/03/25 10:39
Light Blue 04/03/25 13:53 07/03/25 13:21
Dark Blue 02/03/25 15:06 04/03/25 13:53
Amber 28/02/25 17:59 02/03/25 15:06
Red 24/02/25 17:09 28/02/25 17:59
Amber 24/02/25 17:08 24/02/25 17:09
Red 24/02/25 16:55 24/02/25 17:08
Dark Blue 24/02/25 14:48 24/02/25 16:55
Green 18/02/25 13:39 24/02/25 14:48
Light Blue 14/02/25 19:07 18/02/25 13:39
Dark Blue 13/02/25 11:26 14/02/25 19:07
Amber 13/02/25 11:11 13/02/25 11:26
Red 10/02/25 15:25 13/02/25 11:11
Dark Blue 10/02/25 12:56 10/02/25 15:25
Light Blue 06/02/25 20:53 10/02/25 12:56
Dark Blue 05/02/25 14:05 06/02/25 20:53
Amber 04/02/25 13:42 05/02/25 14:05
Red 27/01/25 11:10 04/02/25 13:42
Amber 25/01/25 08:18 27/01/25 11:10
Light Blue 19/01/25 13:17 25/01/25 08:18
Dark Blue 13/01/25 19:55 19/01/25 13:17
Amber 12/01/25 14:45 13/01/25 19:55
Red 10/01/25 14:32 12/01/25 14:45
Grey 17/12/24 12:07 10/01/25 14:32
Red 04/12/24 20:41 17/12/24 12:07
Black 26/11/24 08:27 04/12/24 20:41
Red 24/11/24 16:14 26/11/24 08:27
Amber 24/11/24 10:59 24/11/24 16:14
Dark Blue 22/11/24 17:08 24/11/24 10:59
Light Blue 20/11/24 08:30 22/11/24 17:08
Green 05/11/24 14:10 20/11/24 08:30
Dark Blue 30/10/24 13:37 05/11/24 14:10
Amber 27/10/24 12:49 30/10/24 13:37
Red 06/10/24 09:50 27/10/24 12:49
Grey 23/06/24 19:13 06/10/24 09:50
Green 06/05/24 09:19 23/06/24 19:13
Dark Blue 04/05/24 10:45 06/05/24 09:19
Light Blue 01/05/24 19:39 04/05/24 10:45
Dark Blue 30/04/24 13:33 01/05/24 19:39
Amber 29/04/24 15:58 30/04/24 13:33
Dark Blue 28/04/24 13:43 29/04/24 15:58
Green 26/04/24 15:03 28/04/24 13:43
Light Blue 25/04/24 15:04 26/04/24 15:03
Dark Blue 14/04/24 12:08 25/04/24 15:04
Grey 16/03/24 20:56 14/04/24 12:08
Red 11/03/24 15:28 16/03/24 20:56
Amber 10/03/24 13:02 11/03/24 15:28
Red 28/02/24 17:07 10/03/24 13:02
Black 21/02/24 09:45 28/02/24 17:07
Red 16/02/24 09:39 21/02/24 09:45
Black 12/02/24 13:38 16/02/24 09:39
Red 07/02/24 11:57 12/02/24 13:38
Amber 07/02/24 08:25 07/02/24 11:57
Dark Blue 07/02/24 06:39 07/02/24 08:25
Light Blue 31/01/24 13:59 07/02/24 06:39
Dark Blue 29/01/24 16:35 31/01/24 13:59
Dark Blue 29/01/24 16:35 29/01/24 16:35
Amber 26/01/24 20:28 29/01/24 16:35
Red 14/01/24 13:37 26/01/24 20:28
Black 03/01/24 11:46 14/01/24 13:37
Red 28/12/23 13:58 03/01/24 11:46
Amber 24/12/23 14:48 28/12/23 13:58
Red 05/12/23 16:33 24/12/23 14:48
Amber 05/12/23 09:10 05/12/23 16:33
Light Blue 27/11/23 17:35 05/12/23 09:10
Dark Blue 26/11/23 15:28 27/11/23 17:35
Amber 25/11/23 12:16 26/11/23 15:28
Red 02/11/23 11:06 25/11/23 12:16
Dark Blue 30/10/23 16:46 02/11/23 11:06
Light Blue 28/10/23 11:51 30/10/23 16:46
Dark Blue 27/10/23 08:15 28/10/23 11:51
Amber 26/10/23 11:04 27/10/23 08:15
Red 23/10/23 12:01 26/10/23 11:04
Amber 20/10/23 14:27 23/10/23 12:01
Dark Blue 20/10/23 10:46 20/10/23 14:27
Green 17/10/23 13:19 20/10/23 10:46
Light Blue 15/10/23 19:33 17/10/23 13:19
Green 04/10/23 19:03 15/10/23 19:33
Grey 27/06/23 14:16 04/10/23 19:03
Green 13/05/23 15:00 27/06/23 14:16
Light Blue 12/05/23 12:24 13/05/23 15:00
Dark Blue 09/05/23 13:01 12/05/23 12:24
Green 28/04/23 14:51 09/05/23 13:01
Light Blue 26/04/23 15:47 28/04/23 14:51
Green 21/04/23 17:29 26/04/23 15:47
Light Blue 19/04/23 16:16 21/04/23 17:29
Dark Blue 17/04/23 14:39 19/04/23 16:16
Amber 16/04/23 15:03 17/04/23 14:39
Red 13/04/23 16:50 16/04/23 15:03
Amber 12/04/23 21:57 13/04/23 16:50
Grey 21/03/23 17:43 12/04/23 21:57
Light Blue 19/03/23 10:41 21/03/23 17:43
Dark Blue 16/03/23 14:07 19/03/23 10:41
Light Blue 14/03/23 09:14 16/03/23 14:07
Dark Blue 10/03/23 13:57 14/03/23 09:15
Green 01/02/23 13:22 10/03/23 13:57
Light Blue 27/01/23 14:52 01/02/23 13:22
Dark Blue 26/01/23 15:42 27/01/23 14:52
Amber 24/01/23 15:27 26/01/23 15:42
Red 09/01/23 16:03 24/01/23 15:27
Grey 11/12/22 10:20 09/01/23 16:03
Green 04/12/22 15:50 11/12/22 10:20
Light Blue 03/12/22 12:37 04/12/22 15:50
Dark Blue 30/11/22 14:46 03/12/22 12:37
Amber 29/11/22 15:18 30/11/22 14:46
Red 26/11/22 15:36 29/11/22 15:18
Dark Blue 26/11/22 10:12 26/11/22 15:36
Amber 24/11/22 13:31 26/11/22 10:12
Dark Blue 23/11/22 14:56 24/11/22 13:31
Light Blue 23/11/22 08:58 23/11/22 14:56
Green 20/11/22 17:07 23/11/22 08:58
Light Blue 17/11/22 15:06 20/11/22 17:07
Green 06/10/22 10:02 17/11/22 15:06
Grey 27/06/22 10:03 06/10/22 10:02
Green 20/04/22 19:18 27/06/22 10:03
Grey 20/04/22 17:00 20/04/22 19:18
Green 20/04/22 16:54 20/04/22 17:00
Grey 20/03/22 20:29 20/04/22 16:54
Dark Blue 19/03/22 17:36 20/03/22 20:29
Red 18/03/22 19:35 19/03/22 17:36
Amber 17/03/22 10:01 18/03/22 19:35
Green 08/03/22 16:28 17/03/22 10:01
Light Blue 06/03/22 18:23 08/03/22 16:28
Dark Blue 05/03/22 19:31 06/03/22 18:23
Amber 03/03/22 07:35 05/03/22 19:31
Dark Blue 02/03/22 11:16 03/03/22 07:35
Light Blue 02/03/22 10:47 02/03/22 11:16
Green 28/02/22 20:16 02/03/22 10:47
Light Blue 26/02/22 17:54 28/02/22 20:16
Dark Blue 23/02/22 12:18 26/02/22 17:54
Amber 23/02/22 12:10 23/02/22 12:18
Red 21/02/22 13:16 23/02/22 12:10
Amber 20/02/22 17:40 21/02/22 13:16
Red 20/02/22 17:37 20/02/22 17:40
Amber 20/02/22 16:37 20/02/22 17:37
Light Blue 18/02/22 19:10 20/02/22 16:37
Red 17/02/22 18:26 18/02/22 19:10
Dark Blue 17/02/22 13:12 17/02/22 18:26
Amber 16/02/22 19:36 17/02/22 13:12
Dark Blue 16/02/22 18:45 16/02/22 19:36
Light Blue 15/02/22 16:48 16/02/22 18:45
Green 13/01/22 12:53 15/02/22 16:48
Light Blue 11/01/22 15:51 13/01/22 12:53
Dark Blue 08/01/22 20:41 11/01/22 15:51
Grey 06/01/22 16:46 08/01/22 20:41
Dark Blue 06/01/22 16:32 06/01/22 16:46
Grey 11/12/21 18:48 06/01/22 16:32
Green 27/11/21 19:27 11/12/21 18:48
Dark Blue 26/11/21 18:20 27/11/21 19:27
Green 03/11/21 17:13 26/11/21 18:20
Light Blue 01/11/21 16:22 03/11/21 17:13
Green 27/05/21 12:59 01/11/21 16:22
Blue 22/05/21 18:36 27/05/21 12:59
Green 20/05/21 13:25 22/05/21 18:36
Blue 18/05/21 19:43 20/05/21 13:25
Green 16/05/21 19:33 18/05/21 19:43
Blue 14/05/21 23:26 16/05/21 19:33
Green 11/05/21 14:00 14/05/21 23:26
Blue 10/05/21 17:07 11/05/21 14:00
Blue 10/05/21 16:59 10/05/21 17:07
Green 26/03/21 15:45 10/05/21 16:59
Grey 14/12/20 11:18 26/03/21 15:45
Blue 13/12/20 19:14 14/12/20 11:18
Green 01/12/20 17:06 13/12/20 19:14
Grey 12/11/20 00:10 01/12/20 17:06
Blue 06/11/20 22:21 12/11/20 00:10
Amber 01/11/20 13:31 06/11/20 22:21
Blue 25/10/20 18:05 01/11/20 13:31
Green 12/10/20 15:17 25/10/20 18:05
Blue 10/10/20 11:21 12/10/20 15:17
Amber 09/10/20 13:09 10/10/20 11:21
Blue 09/10/20 11:09 09/10/20 13:09
Amber 08/10/20 17:55 09/10/20 11:09
Red 04/10/20 10:48 08/10/20 17:55
Green 30/09/20 19:19 04/10/20 10:48
Grey 22/03/20 15:25 30/09/20 19:19
Blue 18/03/20 14:07 22/03/20 15:25
Amber 17/03/20 11:49 18/03/20 14:07
Red 11/02/20 22:02 17/03/20 11:49
Amber 10/02/20 21:38 11/02/20 22:02
Blue 10/02/20 12:21 10/02/20 21:38
Green 09/02/20 17:50 10/02/20 12:21
Red 08/02/20 18:15 09/02/20 17:50
Green 06/02/20 13:32 08/02/20 18:15
Blue 31/01/20 12:57 06/02/20 13:32
Amber 30/01/20 12:57 31/01/20 12:57
Red 27/01/20 18:24 30/01/20 12:57
Amber 25/01/20 12:27 27/01/20 18:24
Red 11/01/20 12:50 25/01/20 12:27
Amber 10/01/20 12:53 11/01/20 12:50
Blue 04/01/20 13:33 10/01/20 12:53
Amber 01/01/20 16:15 04/01/20 13:33
Red 13/12/19 11:05 01/01/20 16:15
Blue 05/12/19 13:01 13/12/19 11:05
Amber 03/12/19 15:45 05/12/19 13:01
Red 07/11/19 14:49 03/12/19 15:45
Amber 06/11/19 17:00 07/11/19 14:49
Red 04/11/19 12:04 06/11/19 17:00
Amber 03/11/19 11:00 04/11/19 12:04
Blue 31/10/19 22:52 03/11/19 11:00
Amber 30/10/19 14:45 31/10/19 22:52
Red 27/10/19 11:58 30/10/19 14:45
Amber 27/10/19 11:43 27/10/19 11:58
Blue 26/10/19 16:24 27/10/19 11:43
Green 23/10/19 15:00 26/10/19 16:24
Blue 20/10/19 17:30 23/10/19 15:00
Amber 20/10/19 10:35 20/10/19 17:30
Red 15/10/19 13:46 20/10/19 10:35
Amber 14/10/19 18:29 15/10/19 13:46
Amber 14/10/19 18:25 14/10/19 18:29
Blue 14/10/19 11:17 14/10/19 18:25
Green 13/02/19 15:33 14/10/19 11:17
Blue 05/02/19 18:51 13/02/19 15:33
Green 08/01/19 23:28 05/02/19 18:51
Grey 24/12/18 13:04 08/01/19 23:28

Flag Status:


More details


Sunrise: API Failed
Sunset: API Failed
Times given for Boathouse Island.
More times at suntimes.
